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Category: Flatbed Campers

  • Why Truck Campers Are the New Full-Time Rigs

    Why Truck Campers Are the New Full-Time Rigs

    More people than ever are choosing to live full-time on the road, whether it’s a gap year from college or a retirement plan. Choosing this lifestyle is free, full of opportunities, and embracing every adventure life throws us. It’s been a little over a decade since ‘vanlife’ and ‘living on the road’ resurfaced in popularity, and now we are seeing another shift in this lifestyle. Many who have been full-time for numerous years are trading in their vehicles. Vanlifers are selling their vans and upgrading to rigs with more accessibility and versatility. We’re unsure what this new lifestyle is called since ‘vanlife’ no longer quite fits – riglife, maybe? Either way, we love the transition! Why Vanlifers are Switching to Read More…

  • Flatbed Models

    Flatbed Models

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From the time of your order, depending upon your location, we are installing new campers between 2 – 4  months out. Lead times are finally coming down!

We wish you many fantastic adventures in 2023!!

Team Four Wheel Campers

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